Monday, 10 June 2013
Well-known Disappearances
Real stuff
Before reading this article, I recommend you to read this earlier post.
Many Bermuda Triangle Websites include long lists of missing ships and planes. But many of those were nowhere near the Triangle when they disappeared or they turned up later with rational explanations for their disappearances. For example, the Mary Celeste, found floating in 1872 with not a person on board and everything exactly as they had left it, is on nearly every list of losses blamed on the Bermuda Triangle. But in reality, it was many hundreds of mile from the Triangle at the time...

Here is a sampling of the some of the most notable incidents. As you'll see, some of these have reasonable explanations although they're still attributed to the strange and unknown powers of the Bermuda Triangle.
The U.S.S.Cyclops, 1918
During World War 1, the U.S.S. Cyclops served along the eastern coast of the United States until January 9, 1918. At that time, she was assigned to the naval Overseas Transportation Service. The Cyclops was scheduled to sail to Brazil to refuel British ships in the south Atlantic. She set out from Rio de Jeneiro on February 16, and, after a brief stop in Barbados from March 3 to 4, was never seen or heard from again. All 306 passengers and crew were gone without a trace.
U.S. Navy Avengers Flight 19, 1945
The most famous Bermuda Triangle story is the mystery surrounding five missing Navy Avengers in 1945. The story of Flight 19 is usually summarized this way: a routine patrol set out on a sunny day with five highly experienced student pilots. Suddenly, the tower began receiving transmissions from the flight leader that they were lost, compasses were not working, and "everything looked wrong." They were never seen again, and extensive Navy investigations turned up no clues to explain the disappearance.
Lieutenant Charles C. Taylor led the mission, which included several planned course changes. They departed at 1:15 p.m. on December 5,1945. At 3:00 p.m., Lieutenant Robert F. Cox was flying over Fort Lauderdale, Florida when he heard a signal that he thought was from a boat or plane in distress. He called operations at the Naval Air Station to report what he had heard. Cox told Taylor to fly with the sun at his left wing and up the coast until he hit Miami. Taylor then said that they were over a small island with no other land in sight. If he was over the keys as he had said, however, he should have seen several islands as well as the Florida peninsula.

Two PBM-5 Mariner seaplanes went out to search the area, but one exploded soon after takeoff. The other never located Flight19.
Read on for more Bermuda Triangle disappearances.
Bermuda triangle
Real stuff

I've collected some information about it and so I want to share it to you...
You won't find it on any official map and you won't know when you cross the line, but according to some people, the Bermuda Triangle is a very real place where dozen of ships, Planes and people have disappeared with no good explaination. Since a magazine first coined the phrase "Bermuda Triangle" in 1964, the mystery has continued to attract attention. When you dig deeper into most cases, though, they're much less mysterious. Either they were never in the area to begin with, they were actually found, or there's a reasonable explanation for their disappearance.
Does this mean there's nothing to the claims of so many who have had odd experiences in the Bermuda Triangle? Not necessarily. Scientists have documented deviations from the norm in the area and have found some interesting formations on the seafloor within the Bermuda Triangle's boundaries. So, for those who like to believe in it, there is plenty fuel for the fire.
I this article, we'll look at the facts surrounding what we do know about the area as well as some of the most commonly-recited stories. We'll also explore the bizarre theories like aliens and space portals as well as the mundane explainations.
Many think of the Bermuda Triangle, also known as the Devil's Triangle, as an "imaginary" area. The U.S board of Geographic names does not recognize the Bermuda Triangle and does not maintain an official file on it. However, within this imaginary area, many real vessels and the people aboard them have seemingly disappeared without explaination.
The Bermuda Triangle is located off the Southeastern coast of the United States in the Atlantic Ocean, with its apexes in the vicinities of Bermuda, Miami, Florida, and San Juan, Puerto Rico. It covers roughly 500,000 sq. miles.
The area may have been named after its Bermuda apex since Bermuda was once known as the "Isle of Devils." Treacherous reefs that have ensnared ships sailing too close to its shores surround Bermuda, and there are hundreds of shipwrecks in the waters that surround it.
This is just an intro to this topics more topics are coming soon.
You can also read : Well-known disappearances
You can also read : Well-known disappearances
Saturday, 8 June 2013
9 easy ways to overcome anger
Live Tips
nutteR woRld proudly presents really a useful trick for everyone who gets anger very quickly and want to avoid it..!
We all know what anger is, and we've all felt it: whether as a fleeting annoyance or as full-fledged rage.
Anger is a completely normal, usually healthy, human emotion. But when it gets out of control and turns destructive, it can lead to problems--problems at work, in your personal relationships, and in the overall quality of your life. And it can make you feel as though you're at the mercy of an unpredictable and powerful emotion. This brochure is meant to help you understand and control anger.
1.Slowly drinking several glasses of cool water(not icy cold) is a sure way to get rid of Anger. Soft drinks, with a lot of sugar, acids, and often caffeine will not do. They will only increase the excitement.
2.Drinking water that has been stored in silver cup, accumulating lunar energy for a day and night or more, is the very best. As a alternative, sun-baked or unglazed clay cups may also be used.
3.Not taking any sweet or fat and especially fasting for some time is a sure way to deny combustibles to the fire of anger. Since the feeling of anger may increase irritability, any food fasting should be combined with exercising calmness.
4.Taking a little sweet may help, but only a small amount should be taken and allowed to slowly melt in the mouth, just to give the direct effect of the taste.
5.Avoid pungent, salty, sour, and astringent tastes in general.
6.Avoid alcohol, because it is the best combustible available, heating and drying the body.
7.Chewing red or green cardamon will turn the acid biochemistry to alkaline and thus reduce anger.
8.Yogurt and lemons are very good also. Lemons are sour but are cooling, unlike most sour foods.
9.Wearing pearls or taking pearl powder for more than one lunar cycle is a good way to get rid of persistent.
These are the short remedies to overcome ANGER, but as per situation you can find some other remedy for yourself, share this post for your friends who reacts and get angry for small things like HULK.......!♥
Here I'm going to give some tips to overcome your anger:
1.Slowly drinking several glasses of cool water(not icy cold) is a sure way to get rid of Anger. Soft drinks, with a lot of sugar, acids, and often caffeine will not do. They will only increase the excitement.
2.Drinking water that has been stored in silver cup, accumulating lunar energy for a day and night or more, is the very best. As a alternative, sun-baked or unglazed clay cups may also be used.
3.Not taking any sweet or fat and especially fasting for some time is a sure way to deny combustibles to the fire of anger. Since the feeling of anger may increase irritability, any food fasting should be combined with exercising calmness.
4.Taking a little sweet may help, but only a small amount should be taken and allowed to slowly melt in the mouth, just to give the direct effect of the taste.
5.Avoid pungent, salty, sour, and astringent tastes in general.
6.Avoid alcohol, because it is the best combustible available, heating and drying the body.
7.Chewing red or green cardamon will turn the acid biochemistry to alkaline and thus reduce anger.
8.Yogurt and lemons are very good also. Lemons are sour but are cooling, unlike most sour foods.
9.Wearing pearls or taking pearl powder for more than one lunar cycle is a good way to get rid of persistent.
These are the short remedies to overcome ANGER, but as per situation you can find some other remedy for yourself, share this post for your friends who reacts and get angry for small things like HULK.......!♥
Friday, 7 June 2013
6 easy ways to improve your general knowledge
Live Tips
Hi, friends welcome to my blog, I've got a lot of experience and knowledge from the internet and I want to share this knowledge with you. ARE YOU READY.....!
General knowledge is useful for any one to survive in this computer or moderate world. All we know is lesser and must know is larger than we expect, so, this is not the all but some.
This is the first and foremost way to improve general knowledge. Expansion of knowledge occurs through constant reading. There is no hard and fast rule on the source of information. Any book, magazine, journal or just about anything in black and white can offer knowledge in some form or the other.
Some amount of it may be forgotten but when done with interest, a lot of information can be retained for later use. However, it is important to inculcate reading as a habit if you intend to enhance your knowledge. You need not be a voracious reader but try to maximiz the habit as much as possible.
Reading helps us grasp information and writing helps us to retain it. This is a simple logic that we learn from our school days. The need to write repetitively all that we learnt has the ability to reinforce information in your brain cells. This information can be later retrieved whenever necessary.
The bigger your circle of friends, acquaintances and professional contacts and higher the number of information conversations you have, the larger will be your capacity to retain information. This informal and casual way is perhaps one of the best ways to improve your general knowledge. This is because informal conversations and discussions tend to stay in our minds better than information gathered through any other method.
4.Seminars and Conferences.
People who usually preside over such professional workshops are those who have gained a fair amount of knowledge and experience and have information to share with similar or high experienced professionals or young dynamic knowledge thirsty individuals. Such a gathering is a huge repository of information pertaining to your area of expertise and a great wealth of knowledge to possess.
Media of all kinds, be if the newspapers or television, offers information, entertainment and many other individual desirable or undesirables. Capturing and retaining whatever you want is a choice you need to make and when you do so, you are at a beneficial end.
Internet is a rich source of information as it is the mostly heard or used word now a days, It can provide you lot of General knowledge and information every second. Search engines, information repositories, online quizzes, FAQ's and what not inundate the World Wide Web every minute. Many times, you do not even have to look elsewhere if you have an electronic gadget and an internet.
A simple advice to you guys: Please do not stay at home in holidays or the days which you don't have to do anything just "HANG OUT" with your friends, this can purely increase your knowledge.However, the methods listed above are few of the easiest ways to acquire and improve general knowledge.
Thanks for your interest and patience in reading this article, Someone can find this article interesting and useful so, please share it to your friends.
Thursday, 6 June 2013
Interesting facts about MARK ZUCKERBERG
Mark zuckerberg, world's youngest billionaire, genius guy who founded largest social networking site (facebook), It holds around 845 million users all over world.
He is the most successful computer person, you can get his history by watching his movie "The social network"
Let's browser to his facts:
1.Mark zuckerberg was a dropped out student of Hardvard university, and he is successful in connecting the 10% of world population through his social networking.
2.He is the America's 14th richest man.
3.The net worth of his money was $17.5 billion.
4.He was Red-Green color blind, Blue was the best color he can see, this is the reason the blue is the dominant color in facebook.
5.He was declared as a worst dresses man in silicon valley list by the GQ.
6.He became billionaire at the age of 23 in the year 2008.
7.While he was studying in harvard, he developed a music app called synapse player.The Microsoft and AOL offered millions of dollars for him to develop the app futher.
8.Mark didn't sold that app but he just uploaded for free.
9.Mark wears rubber sandals to board meetings.
10.Mark had a business card that once read "I'm CEO,bitch."
Though he is the youngest billionaire of the world he used to be like a normal person...That is Mark, "HAT'S OFF"
Interesting fact
nutteR woRld : After a struggle of some hours I've found one interesting fact to share with you, while I'm trying to find some facts on the internet \ I've discovered this facts Why AMERICA was named AMERICA.
well as this is my first post in facts, I've shared it eagerly to you...Enjoy this post.♥
Vespucci was a navigator that traveled to "the new world" in 1499 and 1502. Being a well educated man, he realized that this new world was not part of Asia, as some had initially thought. Vespucci chose to write about his travels and his books were published in 1502 and 1504. Being both entertaining and educational, his accounts of the new world were reprinted in almost every European language.
In 1507, a German cartographer, Martin Waldseemuller, chose to make a new map that included the new world. He and two scholarly partners were aware of Vespucci's writings and were ignorant of Columbus's expenditions. As such, they mistakenly thought Vespucci was the first to discover this new land and so named it after him, stating:
But now these parts (Europe, Asia and Africa, the three continents of the Ptolemaic geography) have been extensively explored and a fourth part has discovered by Americus Vespuccius (the Latin form of Vespucci's name), I do not see what right any one would have to object to calling this part after Americus, who discovered it and who is a man of intelligence, and so to name it Amerige, that is, the Land of Americus, or America: since both Europa and Asia got their names from women.When the large new map, approximately 8 feet by 4 feet, was unveiled by Waldseemuller, it had the large title "AMERICA" across what is now present day Brazil. Waldseemuller used Vesspucci's travelogues as a reference for his drawing and so his map had South America as the only part of this new western hemisphere. When North America was later added, the mapmakers of the time retained the original name. In 1538, The famous geographer Gerard Mercator chose to name the entire north and south parts of America as one large "America" for the entire western hemisphere.
Christopher Columbus might well have had the new world named after him, had it not been for two shortcomings. The first was that Columbus was under the mistaken impression that he had found a new route to Asia and was not aware that America was an entirely new continent. The second was that he never wrote publicly about it so the masses were not aware of his discovery. Had he done this, Mr.Waldseemuller and his colleagues might have named it Columba! As it happened, Vespucci did write about it and was the first to call this land the "Novus Mundus" (Latin for "New World").