Tuesday, 4 June 2013
5 Golden rules on how to flirt with a girl part 1
Flirting is a common activity done by male or female to impress the person who they like to spend time with....
These are some common tips for flirting but be careful don't depend totally on this tips as this tips are suitable for some situations only!!
1. Start flirting with her online
Most guys feel shy to start a conversation with a girl face to face. If you're wondering "How to flirt with a girl if facing her makes me nervous?" -don't worry; turn to online chat (even if you know your girl in real life).Not having to face or directly talk to the girl you like takes the pressure off to a great extent and helps you be yourself, which is the first step of flirting succesfully.
2. Never show desperation while flirting with a girl
Nothing turns girls off more than under-confident desperation. I've already talked about this in the discussion on how to impress a girl.It's equally pertinent to the one on how to flirt with girls.Don't be apologetic for taking her time (girls hate that). Don't ping her saying "HI". Ping her saying, "Hi XYZ! How're you doing?" In case she doesn't reply the first time you ping her, never use the name opening line the next time. Start by something like, "Hey XYZ! The ABC video you'd shared was hilarious. Where did you find it?" It shows you're not talking to her because you're desperate, but because you've got something real to say.You get the poing.
3. Don't give it ALL
A corollary of poing #2 is - don't be her dog. You're flirting with your girl; you're not her boyfriend yet. You need to attract her first, before you show her how responsible you are. So while flirting with a girl,don't be the oh-so-caring I'll-do-anything-for-you-including-daily-chores man-in-waiting of hers - that can wait for life after marriage. :P For now,that kind of behaviour will make her like you as a friend and a pet - not as a man she feels attracted to.
4. Complimenting her is a must
If you want to successfully flirt with a girl - especially an Indian girl - striking a balance between sounding hungry and sounding bold is key.Don't start with, "Hey! You're looking hot in that photo you recently posted." On the other hand, if it has been a week that you've started talking/chatting with her and you haven't actually gotten around to complimenting her even once yet, chances are you're not going anywhere. Compliments don't always have to be on her looks. And they need to sound natural,casual and confident. Which brings me to.........
5. Test waters continuously while flirting with a girl
Each girl has her distinct level of comfort with flirting. Some stop talking to you if you call them hot, while some feel offended if you don't. Continuously test her limits while flirting with a girl. Try a hing,like,"You're the most interesting girl I know." If she responds favourably, after a few days try, "Of late I've started looking forward to you coming online every day." If that goes ok too,try, "If you were not so busy,I'd have loved to go for a coffee with you sometime." You get the poing. You need to be bold enough to hold her interest, while making sure you don't offend her.
What are the golden rules which worked when you started flirting with your girl? Let me know by leaving a comment....♥ ♥ ♥
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